Download the Buckinghamshire College Group Case Study
Too many spreadsheets in too many places.
Buckinghamshire College Group was in need of a new centralised system to support their growing Industry Placement programme. Spreadsheets, files and documents were managed individually. Teachers had no easy way of knowing where students were while coordinators were spending hours printing updates to try and keep everyone up-to-date. With a growing focus on the importance of Industry Placements, the leadership team knew it was imperative that they find a capable system to reduce the burden and streamline management of their Industry Placements.

Implement a comprehensive software solution to consolidate & simplify Industry Placement management.
The college’s objective was to find a platform which would consolidate all of the placement information and simplify the whole placement management process. Grofar became the first-choice solution. The fact that the Grofar platform had been developed in collaboration with other FE colleges was very attractive. Grofar provided a single system to support the college in setting up, tracking and reporting on placements whilst streamlining engagement with employers and students.
Since implementation, Grofar has become integral to providing a centralised, streamlined process that reduces the administration of placement management. The college has successfully cut down on the excess amount of paperwork, spreadsheets and paper log books spread across the campus. Staff quickly became familiar with Grofar; coordinators and tutors have student information at their fingertips and managers have access to the real time reports that they require.
Saving the college time & money

With students consistently logging hours on Grofar and staff using it as their first point of call for Industry Placement information, everyone at the college is saving time and energy. Grofar is now a vital tool in enabling the college to run a stable, quality Industry Placement and Work Experience programme.
“Grofar provides us with the structure and process to drive the success of our placement programme. It’s been wonderful to have everything consolidated within Grofar. We are using the platform for all of our Industry and Study Programme Placements – the saying is: If it’s not on Grofar, it’s not happening.”
Amanda Gilbert
Work Experience Team Leader
Find out how the Grofar Work Placement Platform can benefit your College.