Complete Work Experience (WEX) & Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) Bundle

Student Preparation, Business Engagement, & Work Experience Management

Complete package for schools and colleges to prepare students, engage with employers, and manage and track their WEX & VWEX provision.

What's in the bundle?

The bundle consists of the following software, resource, and training elements that schools will have access to:

WEX & VWEX Complete Management Platform with Student Digital Passport

Import students, add business contacts, assign students with WEX and VWEX, track pupils’ progress and gain feedback (dynamic MIS sync included ensuring data always up-to-date).

Student digital passport – easy to access and use, allows students to access content, complete activities/assignments, and record experiences.

Schools and colleges can access a library of 3rd party VWEX providers and programmes through the platform.

Careers Leaders/Tutors/Coordinators can track the progress of each individual student through their careers/WEX/VWEX programme and WEX/VWEX placements.

Using their student passports, students access all relevant information and record progress in their WEX & VWEX logbooks. Student digital passports can be accessed on mobile, tablet or desktop devices.

The platform also tracks all engagement and encounters with employers and experiences of work.

All WEX/VWEX/employer engagement activity recorded in the platform can be uploaded to Compass+ via a CSV temple file that is generated by the platform.

Comprehensive WEX & VWEX Careers Programme

Built-in careers programme with digital certificates to assign, deliver, and track:

  • Module 1: Preparing for work experience.
  • Module 2: Going on work experience
  • Module 3: Reflecting on your work experience.

The platform will come pre-loaded with this programme so that schools (and colleges) can assign and then deliver the programme to their students.

The programme supports schools (and colleges) to prepare their students and help to ensure students get the most out of their work experience.

The programme is delivered through the Grofar platform, significantly reducing the administration for staff, allowing the programme to be delivered digitally/remotely, and allowing schools (and colleges) to easily track student progress.

Students will receive digital certificates on completion and have a complete log of the programme recorded on their digital passport.

The programme aims to better prepare students for work experience and for adulthood in the world of work.

A.I. Driven Interview Practice & Feedback Software

Students can practice from a bank of interview questions and receive A.I. and human feedback on their responses.

Students record themselves answering interview questions on their phone or desktop devices. On completion, the tool uses A.I. to provide the student with feedback on their responses – feedback is provided on presentation style, language used, speed and tone of response, and a range of other factors.

Schools and colleges can also review student responses and provide additional feedback on their interview practice.

Schools and colleges that work directly with employers to provide interview practice can facilitate this through the tool. Employers can add customised questions to the questions library for students to answer. Employers can provide feedback on student responses in a live (face to face or remote) environment or via recorded responses.

C.P.D. - Employer Engagement Staff Training

Best practice live training to drive the effectiveness of your end-to-end employer engagement activity:

  • Pre- call planning
  • Building Rapport
  • ‘Effective Question’ Techniques
  • Positioning your School/College & overcoming objections
  • Securing opportunity & commitment

The C.P.D training will help individuals in schools and colleges to build stronger employer connections and use the platform to effectively manage contacts and engagement.

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