CAREERS GUIDANCE: The Poor Relation in the Education Sector

Earlier this month the Chairs of the Education, Skills and Economy Committee slammed the Government’s failure to address inadequacies in careers guidance as “unacceptable”, demanding that Ministers act to improve provision as a matter of urgency to ensure young people are equipped with the right skills to succeed in the modern economy. The Committee published […]

‘Careers advice should be a core part of a young person’s schooling’

This week the Government’s Commons Sub-Committee on Education, Skills and the Economy concluded that the lack of good careers provision in schools in England was harming young people’s job choices and having a detrimental effect on the economy. In a report, MPs said: “We recommend that Ofsted introduce a specific judgement on careers information advice and guidance […]

Adrian Lyons from Ofsted says school’s provision for enterprise and employability “is less effective than it could be”

We recently came across a video on Ofsted’s YouTube channel where Adrian Lyons, Her Majesty’s Inspector for Ofsted, talked about schools not monitoring the quality of provision in this area. In the video, Adrian talks about how school’s monitoring of the quality of the provision is currently lacking, and that the training of teacher’s within […]

Press Release: Software company launch new solution for schools in response to increasing demands on Careers Leaders

Grofar have launched a new software solution for schools, an integrated set of tools that enables Careers Leaders to improve the service offered to students, save time and meet statutory guidance more easily as well as helping them to achieve the recommendations set out in the Gatsby report. The company has created the platform in […]