Download Redland Green School Case Study
About the school
Redland Green is a high performing secondary academy in Bristol. The school is rated Outstanding by Ofsted and with a progress 8 score of +.29 and Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSE at 77% attainment and progress are both very good.
CEIAG Programme and Destinations
Redland Green like many schools have had a number of strands of activity that relate to careers without neccesarilly having the coordination between the strands to make a more coherent whole particularly from a student perspective.
The school recently appointed a Careers Lead with a mandate to update much of the provision including new looks at Careers Learning, PSHE and Work Experience.
The school currently buys in IAG resources to provide one to one meetings but had no systems to record these interactions or to provide a record of achievement for pupils despite a multiplicity of enrichment activities that are available.
Grofar Implementation
Grofar has initially been acquired to provide continuity and recording from Years 7 to 11 and has been integrated into APEX the RGS PSHE programme, with all students completing a Grofar student profile and action plan as part of these lessons.
The school aspired for students to become more involved in their own career pathways and the Grofar tool seemed an ideal way to achieve this.
Destinations data collection
Like most schools, destinations data collection had been provided by the Local Authority. This had typically involved the provision of a spreadsheet to enter student information and intended destinations into. This had often been gathered as a result of one to one meetings and discussions with form tutors.
There had been little direct student involvement apart from discussions on results day in August.
The data collection was conducted in the 25 minute tutor periods from 8:30am with a rota of tutor groups visiting an ICT suite. Students were invited to log into their school email and open the Grofar invitation to complete the destinations survey. The process was fairly straightforward and over a period of two weeks all 192 Year 11 students completed the survey. The Grofar output is compliant wih the Local Authority requirements and a spreadsheet containing all the various destinations information as well as detail such as ULN was produced.
The exercise highlighted a number of pupils that needed extra support as they approach the Post 16 decision point and 10 who had no plans at all. This would historically not have been visible until much later in the year when the pressure of exams makes such support problematic to provide.

What the school said:
“The Grofar destinations exercise was far simpler than the previous manual way of collecting data and I now have information for the LA ahead of time as well as a detailed insight into pupils that need extra support.”
Carolyn Yeganeh, Careers Leader
Key Benefits
- Quicker destinations data collection
- Earlier sight of students with needs
- Prompt for students to consider Post 16
- All data in one place and visible to all