We recently came across a video on Ofsted’s YouTube channel where Adrian Lyons, Her Majesty’s Inspector for Ofsted, talked about schools not monitoring the quality of provision in this area.
In the video, Adrian talks about how school’s monitoring of the quality of the provision is currently lacking, and that the training of teacher’s within this area is not as effective as it could be. He also mentions that many schools do not currently record the activities that students are involved with, making it hard to keep track of what they are actually learning – suggesting there is still work to be done in this area.
At Grofar, we understand the importance of engaging students with businesses in order to raise their careers aspirations, but that currently the process for Careers Leaders can be very time consuming – which is where we can help.
Grofar offers a complete careers administration system for schools who want to improve the careers service they offer to their students and relieve their staff of much of the admin burden. Two features of Grofar Careers Solution include Business Database and Business Comms, which allows Careers Leaders to easily manage the school’s relationship with local enterprises.
For further information about Grofar, including the features of the Grofar Careers Plan and the Grofar Careers Solution, please email [email protected] to speak to a member of our friendly team or visit www.grofar.com to sign up for a no obligation free trial.